Saturday, April 23, 2011

The night before Easter...

Well, here we are.  The night before a major holiday and I am lying to the kid telling her that she has to go to bed b/c the E Bunny has already made his way to some peoples houses (How do you know, Mom???  Facebook, K).  Luckily the baskets were stuffed last night so tonight just involves hiding them and installing the new monkey bars on the swingset (not that she will be able to play out there anytime soon, unless she wears waders!).  Rob has to work midnights so he has his list of last minute things, like the Ceramic E Bunny holding the egg that needs candy and money in it because it was mine when I was a little girl and "Rob, it just has to be that way, don't ask anymore."  I am certain my mom never had to run out the night before and she had to pull this off for 4 kids!!  Usually it is these nights that I am in awe of all my parents did for us and I am feeling sorry for parents with more than one child. 

So I am exhausted, not so much physically as mentally.  This is a sampling of the topics we covered today:
-Where rain comes from and how it is not literally God's tears
-Bullies and how to deal with them
-Who our prom dates were and if we each told them about how we wanted a little girl and that they would not     be the person we married
-Who the Devil is
-Skin color
-Why we wear underwear
-Why her cousin Ellie has other relatives who are not related to us but Ellie can love all of us
-What to do if she wakes up during the night and hears someone hopping in our house
-Why we have to go to the dr and get shots
- What happens if someone sprays you with pepper spray
-Will I ever go to jail since I am married to a police man
- how my pager works
-Catholics and Lutherans..............

and this is only the list I remember.  And I loved every minute of this day spent with her and I am thanking God tonight of the miracle that is my family!!!

Happy Easter !!!!

And just when I thought she was asleep, yet another question......Is Wubzy a boy or girl ?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The BIG appointment

Today was the 3 month checkup, the BIG appointment!!!  Rob had a stress ECHO on Friday and we got the results today, and...............  everything looks better than the surgeon had even imagined!!!!  The doc had gradient scores that he was hopeful for pre-surgery and Rob's were better.  So now off most all meds and does not have to see him again for 3 months.

The surgeon said that he expects Rob to continue to feel better, but I am not sure how that is possible.  He built a fire pit, working on a play house for Kaitlyn, continues with cardiac rehab and now a "regular"gym and working.  As I have said before, I can not keep up with him.  I was off on his last day off and had to take a nap midway through the day- he just continued on.  Our backyard (which has always been Rob's area) has never looked better and the projects just continue.

Before the surgery, we had hopes that Rob would be able to walk short distances without stopping to catch  his breath.  Over the weekend he walked to the store up the street and then RAN home. Why run home, I asked him, "because I could!"  I have been continually reminded that with God all things are possible!!

Hope everyone is staying safe in this storm!!!  Get to your basements!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Defending the Yankee thing

So I have again decided to use this for me.  I am going to try to defend my love of the Yankees on here since I have been subjected to so much abuse by family and friends since getting the Yankee Entertainment Station!

Contrary to popular belief, I did NOT start watching the Yankees just because of Derek Jeter.  One year, I watched the World Series when the Yankees were in it.  As I tend to do, I become obsessed with the series, watching every game.  During this time, I learned about the History of the franchise, rivlary with Boston, everyones hatred of them (but I will address that later). I actually first noticed Jorge Poseda (who then appeared in a funny episode of American CHoppers, but that obsession is for another blog).  Soon a shortstop named Derek caught my eye and I was interested enough to watch the next season and the rest is history.  I am now a full fledged fan, not only because of Mr. Jeter (although that is a HUGE bonus). Because my husband spoils me, we have seen them in Spring training and saw them last year in KC.  I can not wait til we can see them at Yankee Field!!!!!!!

I know that everyone hates them, because they have the money to buy the best and I DO think that is unfair.  However, until the baseball commission changes the rules, the Yankees are only doing what any other business person would do.  If I was starting my own social work agency and had all of the money in the world, I would only hire the best social workers out there,  I wouldn't not (double negative, I know) hire some of them so that it was fair for the other agencies-- NO, I would take all of the good ones and pay the best that I could, because I can.  So don't hate the Yankees, hate the baseball commission.  

Finally, will I like the Yankees after DJ????  Those of you who have known me for quite some time, know of my love for Tommy Herr (happy birthday yesterday Mr. Herr) and how devasted I was when he was traded.  However, I eventually forgave the Cardinals and liked them again (read Mark McGwire).  So I do not consider myself just a Jeter-loving-Yankee and while I will be sad to see him go, I will remain a Yankee fan.  As I have said before, I did not get the have-to-only-love-the-hometown-team gene (Red Wings fan also) and I am NO longer afraid to publically admit it!!!!!!! 

Okay, I feel better now and I am really liking this bloggin thing to just spew my rants out  there.  By the way, Rob is awesome- starting back to work the end of this week!!!  He looks AMAZING and I am a lucky girl.  Now, back to the game...............