Tuesday, February 22, 2011

4 week post op appointment

went to surgeons office today for the 4 week follow up.  Of course, he was impressed with Rob's progress (and his own work!).  He is still in sinus rhythm and healing well.  Rob can now lift a little more (still not Kaitlyn, unfortunately), and can start cardiac rehab next week.     The best part of the appt was walking in--- same way we walked in for the pre op visit but this time Rob did not need to stop once to catch his breath and we parked farther away this time!!!  Amazing what removing a "straight jacket" over your heart will do!!!  Rob will have another follow up in a month and if still going good, medicines will be reduced and the next month, if still good, will be off most medicine!!!!

The doctor looked back at records and he has lost about 70 lbs from appt 8 months ago!!!!  I love when people first see him now and either do a double or stop in their tracks.  We are having so much fun with our family time and getting out more!!!!




  1. This is just great news. Thanks for keeping up with the updates!

  2. Awesome! Chris Guion

  3. I definitely did a double-take. He's a hottie! Hubba hubba...
